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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/15/19 Where Life Meets God: "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Joel 2:28-32) Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-12-15_AM_Sermon_-_Joel_2.28-32_Whoever_calls_upon_the_name_of_the_Lord_shall_be_saved.pptx 12_15_2019_AM.mp3
12/08/19 Where Life Meets God: "My people shall never be put to shame" (Joel2"18-27) Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-12-08_AM_Sermon_-_Joel_2.18-27_My_People_Shall_Never_Be_Put_to_Shame.pptx 12_08_2019_AM.mp3
12/01/19 Where Life Meets God: "Turn to Me with all your heart"(Joel 2:12-17 Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-12-01_AM_Sermon_-_Joel_2.12-17_Turn_to_Me_With_All_Your_Heart.pptx 12_01_2019_AM.mp3
12/01/19 "Let all things be done decently and in order" (1st Cor 14:26-40 Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun PM 2019-12-01_PM_Sermon_-_1_Cor._14.26-40_Let_All_Things_be_Done_Decently.pptx 12_01_2019_PM.mp3
11/24/19 Where Life Meets God: God Removes Kings and Raises Up Kings (Daniel 2) Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-11-24_AM_Sermon_-_Daniel_2._God_Raises_Up_Kings.pptx 11_24_2019_AM.mp3
11/24/19 Life is Too Short Ken Schoentag Sermon N/A Sun PM 11_24_2019_PM.mp3
11/17/19 Where Life Meets God: Vanities vs Eternal Joy (Ecclesiastes 1) Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-11-17_AM_Sermon_-_Ecclesiates_Vanities_versus_Eternal_Joy.pptx 11_17_2019_AM.mp3
11/17/19 Mis-purposed Spiritual Gifts (1st Cor 14:1-25) Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun PM 2019-11-17_PM_Sermon_-_1_Cor._14_Mispurposed_Spiritual_Gifts.pptx 11_17_2019_PM.mp3
11/10/19 Where Life Meets God: The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Knowledge (Prov 1:7) Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-11-10_AM_Sermon_-_The_Fear_of_the_Lord_is_the_Beginning_of_Knowledge.pptx 11_10_2019_AM.mp3
11/10/19 Moving Forward Bryon Buzan Jr Sermon N/A Sun PM 11_10_2019_PM.mp3
10/27/19 Where Life Meets God: The Reluctant Prophet Jonah Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-10-27_AM_Sermon_-_The_Relunctant_Prophet_Jonah.pptx 10_27_2019_AM.mp3
10/20/19 Where Life Meets God: The Widow and the Leper. God's Grace is Gof's Choice Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-10-20_AM_Sermon_-_The_Widow_and_the_Leper.Gods_Grace_is_Gods_Choice.pptx 10_20_2019_AM.mp3
10/20/19 One Spirit...One Body...Many Members (1st Cor 12:12-31) Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun PM 2019-10-20_PM_Sermon_-_1_Cor._12.12-31_One_Spirit._One_Body._Many_Members.pptx 10_20_2019_PM.mp3
10/13/19 Where Life Meets God: Finding Justification After David's Sins Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-10-13_AM_Sermon_-_Finding_Justification_After_Davids_Sins.pptx 10_13_2019_AM.mp3
10/06/19 Where Life Meets God: Which King? The People's Choice or God's Choice? Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-10-06_AM_Sermon_-_Which_King._The_Peoples_Choice_or_Gods_Choice.pptx 10_06_2019_AM.mp3
10/06/19 Nine Gifts from One Spirit (1st Cor 12:1-11) Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun PM 10_06_2019_PM1.mp3 2019-10-06_PM_Sermon_-_1_Cor._12.1-11_Nine_Gifts_from_One_Spirit.pptx
09/29/19 Where Life Meets God: Give Us a King to Judge Us Like All the Nations (1st Samuel 8) Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-09-29_AM_Sermon_-_Give_Us_A_King.pptx 09_29_2019_AM.mp3
09/29/19 Why We Do What We Do - Why We Believe What We Believe Keith Jarrett Sermon N/A Sun PM 09_29_2019_PM.mp3
09/22/19 Where Life Meets God: The Lord Raised Up Deliverers (Judges 2:11-19) Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-09-22_AM_Sermon_-_The_Lord_Raised_Up_Deliverers.pptx 09_22_2019_AM.mp3
09/22/19 Eating the Lord's Supper Worthily (1st Cor 11:17-34) Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun PM 2019-09-15_PM_Sermon_-_1_Cor._11.17-34_Eating_the_Lords_Supper_Worthily1.pptx 09_22_2019_PM.mp3
09/15/19 Where Life Meets God: Every Man Did What Was Right in His Own Eyes (judges 17:6) Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-09-15_AM_Sermon_-_Everyone_Did_What_Was_Right_in_His_Own_Eyes.pptx 09_15_2019_AM.mp3
09/15/19 Praying and Prophesying with a Covered Head (1st Cor 11:1-16_ Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun PM 2019-09-15_PM_Sermon_-_1_Cor._11.1-16_Praying_and_Prophesying_with_a_Covered_Head_.pptx 09_15_2019_PM.mp3
09/08/19 Where Life Meets God: Possessing God's Promises (Joshua 21:43-45) Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-09-08_AM_Sermon_-_Possessing_Gods_Promises.pptx 09_08_2019_AM.mp3
09/01/19 Where Life Meets God: Be Strong and Very Courageous (joshua 1) Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019-09-01_AM_Sermon_-_Be_Strong_and_Very_Courageous.pptx 09_01_2019_AM.mp3
09/01/19 Communion with Christ or Idols? (1st Cor 10:14-33) Carl Lungstrum Sermon N/A Sun PM 2019-09-01_PM_Sermon_-_1_Cor._10.14--11.1_Communion_with_Christ_or_Idols_.pptx 09_01_2019_PM.mp3

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